Social Media ROI Measurements: What to Look For and Some Helpful Tools

Posted on: 8 April 2016

ROI, or "return on investment," often refers to what you get back from something you invest money in. However, in the digital age, your ROI can also refer to the time you invest in something and what your efforts on a project generate. With regard to a social media presence and your social media ROI measurement, you may be investing just time or time and money. Either way, here is how you can tell that your time and/or money is returning your investment successfully and some tools that can help in this analysis.
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Interested In The Best Marketing Options Online? What To Know About Viral Marketing

Posted on: 16 March 2016

If you want to showcase your business, skills, service or products online and you aren't sure the best way to do it, you want to try video marketing. It's predicted that up to 75 percent of mobile marketing traffic will be viral videos by 2020. With online video marketing you can reach tons of new customers and get views, but the video and the marketing has to be done right.
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Mobile Billboard Campaign Tips

Posted on: 10 March 2016

One segment of the advertising market that you might not be covering is the mobile billboard. Mobile billboards have a number of different advantages that make them attractive to advertisers, including the ability to hit a wide variety of people in a specific locality and the level of interest that it can cause to be drawn to your company. Here are some tips for being sure that your mobile billboard campaign is as effective as possible.
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Finding The Best Local Restaurants At Your Travel Destination: What To Know

Posted on: 10 March 2016

If you are traveling to an area and you're looking for a good place to eat, somewhere that isn't the regular chain restaurant that you'll find in every city around the nation, there are a few things you can do. You want to get the inside information so you can get great food that you won't find anywhere else. Not every unique restaurant in town will leave a great impression, but there are a few ways you can weed out the bad choices.
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